Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Oracle Database Release Lifetime Support

Oracle Support info:

Oracle Premier Support provides a standard five-year support policy for Oracle Technology products. You can extend support for an additional three years with Extended Support for specific releases or receive indefinite technical support with Sustaining Support.

Oracle Release Extended support info.

Please review below link for more details about Oracle Lifetime Support Policy.

Satishbabu Gunukula, Oracle ACE

Thursday, February 22, 2018

CATPROC and CATALOG are INVALID in the Registry

We are working on pre-upgrade steps and noticed that “Oracle Database Packages and Types” and “Oracle Database Catalog Views “ components are  showing as INVALID.

SQL> select comp_id, comp_name,version, statusfrom dba_registry;
COMP_ID    COMP_NAME                                VERSION                        STATUS
---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
ORDIM      Oracle Multimedia                                                   VALID
XDB        Oracle XML Database                                                  VALID
EXF        Oracle Expression Filter                                               VALID
RUL        Oracle Rules Manager                                                  VALID
OWM        Oracle Workspace Manager                                    VALID
CATALOG    Oracle Database Catalog Views                            INVALID
CATPROC    Oracle Database Packages and Types                     INVALID
JAVAVM     JServer JAVA Virtual Machine                                VALID
XML        Oracle XDK                                                                     VALID
CATJAVA    Oracle Database Java Packages                              VALID

I see that CATPROC, CATALOG  is INVALID in the registry and followed below steps to validate.

Step1: Validate ‘packages and types’ by running catalog and catproc scripts

$sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL> spool cata_logfile.txt
SQL> startup upgrade
SQL > @?/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql
SQL > @?/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql
SQL > @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql
SQL> spool off

Note that you need to use Use 'startup migrate' instead of ‘startup upgrade’ if database version is lower than 10g.

This should resolve the issue. If CATPROC, CATALOG is still invalid in the registry then follow next step
Step2:- Run below script as SYSDBA until it returns 'CATPROC can be validated now'. This script recompiles all dependent objects. 
 Note that you need to replace CATPROC with CATALOG in below script and execute to recompile the objects related to CATALOG.
REM ***************
REM ***************
set serveroutput on;
start_time date;
end_time date;
object_name varchar(100);
object_id char(10);
SELECT date_loading, date_loaded into start_time, end_time FROM registry$ WHERE
cid = 'CATPROC';
SELECT obj#,name into object_id,object_name
FROM obj$
WHERE status > 1 AND
(ctime BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR
mtime BETWEEN start_time AND end_time OR
stime BETWEEN start_time AND end_time) AND
dbms_output.put_line('Please compile Invalid object '||object_name||'
Object_id '||object_id );
dbms_output.put_line('CATPROC can be validated now' );
Validate CATPROC. CATALOG by executing following command

Now I can see that all Database components are objects are VALID.

SQL> select comp_id, comp_name,version, statusfrom dba_registry;
COMP_ID    COMP_NAME                                VERSION                        STATUS
---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
ORDIM      Oracle Multimedia                                                   VALID
XDB        Oracle XML Database                                                  VALID
EXF        Oracle Expression Filter                                               VALID
RUL        Oracle Rules Manager                                                  VALID
OWM        Oracle Workspace Manager                                    VALID
CATALOG    Oracle Database Catalog Views                            VALID
CATPROC    Oracle Database Packages and Types                     VALID
JAVAVM     JServer JAVA Virtual Machine                                VALID
XML        Oracle XDK                                                                     VALID
CATJAVA    Oracle Database Java Packages                              VALID

Satishbabu Gunukula, Oracle ACE

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why Oracle RAC is the best High Availability (HA) Solution?

Join the Webinar to learn about the best practices, cost effective solutions to meet your business needs.

Date and time: Mar 5th 2018 8:00am-9:00am
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For Presentation link "Click here"

Satishbabu Gunukula, Oracle ACE