Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Oracle RMAN backup using DataDomain-Boost

Data Domain boost plug-in enables database to communicate with Data domain systems in an optimized way and use of DD Boost for RMAN backup improves performance while reducing the data transfer.

You need to install RMAN pug-in on each DB server and these binaries communicate with Data domain systems. When taking backup using RMAN, the configuration channels should use media manager SBT_LIBRARY parameter to provide the path of the media management library of data domain.

RMAN issues an ORA-27211 error and exits if the media management library not able to locate.

Admin needs to enable DD Boost on a Data Domain System before we proceeding.


1. Download the required pulg-in and install
For Ex:- RMAN_1.1.1.0-378849_RMAN_linux_64.tar

For Windows Download the RMAN plugin installer “libDDobkSetup.exe”

2. Installation: Set the Oracle Home then run the install.sh script
$ ./install.sh
Installing the Data Domain plugin for RMAN ...
Copying libraries to /oracle/home/11204/lib
cp libddobk.so /oracle/home/11204/lib/libddobk.so
cp libDDBoost.so /oracle/home/11204/lib/libDDBoost.so
Successfully installed the Data Domain plugin for RMAN

/orasnb/oracle_ddbda.cfg will have all configuration details

3. Verify: Verify the DDBoost install using below command , make the changes as needed

ALLOCATE CHANNEL C1 TYPE SBT_TAPE PARMS 'SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/home/11204/lib/libddobk.so';
send 'set username <username> password <password> servername <data domain/backup host server>';

4. Run backup using DD Boost Media management library

You can run manual backup

run {
allocate channel dd1 type 'sbt_tape' parms='BLKSIZE=1048576,SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/home/11204/lib/libddobk.so,ENV=(STORAGE_UNIT=<storage_unit>,BACKUP_HOST=<backup host>)';
backup filesperset 1 database format '%u_%p';
release channel dd1;

Configure BRTools using DDBoost: - Add/Change the below parameter in .sap file of database and comment out other unwanted parameters. Note that DDBoost will call RMAN internally to backup and restore.

backup_type = online
backup_dev_type = rman_disk
rman_channels = 10 <or any number of channels desired>
rman_filesperset = 1
rman_parms = "BLKSIZE=1048576,SBT_LIBRARY=<path-to-libddobk.so>,ENV=(STORAGE_UNIT=<LSU-name>,BACKUP_HOST=<DDR-FQDN>,ORACLE_HOME=<path-to-ORACLE_HOME>)"
rman_compress = no
backup_mode = all

RMAN Changes: Make below rman configuration changes


Perform Backup: 
Backup command:
brbackup -m all -p /oracle/home/11204 /dbs/initORCL.sap -u / -t online -d rman_disk
"-t online" option is the same as specifying "backup_type = online" in the configuration file
"-d rman_disk" option is to force "backup_dev_type = rman_disk", this is the observed behavior
Complete list of Command Options for BRBACKUP : http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/c7/c90e6b7cfd44309bd90b2b7a8a89fd/content.htm
Archive Log backup:
brarchive -s -c -p /oracle/home/11204/dbs/initORCL.sap -u /

Restore command:
brrestore -m all -p initKBW.disk.sap -b belcjoiv.anr -c force
We never tested restore using above command but we tested thoroughly with BRTools and RMAN

Steps to Enable DDBoost on a Data domain system: Unix Admin will execute these steps. The below are high-level steps and few other steps involved to configure as per the best practice.

1. Login as Administrator
2. Verify file sytem is enable dand running
# filesys status
Enable the file system, if diabled.
#filesys enable
3. Apply license key if not installed
# license add <license key>
4. Establish username and password for Data domain system
#user add <username> password <password>
# ddboost set user-name <username>
5. Enable DDBoost
# ddboost enable
6. Create the storage unit on the data domain system
# ddboost storage-unit create <storage_unit_name>

Thanks & Regards


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